LETTER: Vote Groh and Deal for GSB executives

Angela Groh and Chris Deal are by far the best slate up for the Government of the Student Body executive election this spring, and are definitely the best people for the job. From the beginning of the election, they have been the truthful and straightforward slate focusing on issues that are important to all students.

In response to the Feb. 28 letter stating that Henry Alliger actively fought for $10,000 for LINC, (“Alliger will preserve Veishea celebration”), I would like to point out that that information was 100 percent incorrect.

I have been an active member of both the Veishea and LINC executive boards for the past two years, and I distinctively recall that Henry Alliger actively opposed funding this new organization, which strives to continue leadership and provide activities for students despite the cancellation of Veishea.

The only direct involvement Alliger has ever had with Veishea was during his freshman year, when he committed to being a security aide and did not follow through with the position.

Do you want GSB executives who will listen to the students’ voices? The Groh/Deal slate has always spoken out about the value of student input, but Alliger/Walter seems to be going through the motions in order to gain executive power. Let’s revisit these recent Alliger quotes from Daily articles: “The impact that one person can have on the organization [GSB] is huge,” and “It does matter [who is president] because GSB will follow the direction the president wishes to take.”

Do those sound like the words of an individual who is concerned about serving students?

The Alliger/Walter slate wants to simplify GSB and remove GSB cabinet positions because a large cabinet isn’t efficient, but they don’t even practice what they preach with their campaign. They have four campaign directors to “spread the work around among campaign members so that no one is overworked,” according to a Daily article on Feb. 23. Even with four directors, they haven’t been able to create their own platform. Instead they have attempted to adopt the Groh/Deal platform and pass it off as their own. Pick-A-Prof, constituency lists and the off-campus party guide were all brought to light by Groh/Deal first! On Monday and Tuesday make the right choice and vote Groh/Deal!

Cory Hanson

