LETTER: Freeman Concert entirely student-run

In response to Jeremy Oehlert’s March 29 article, “Dear President Geoffroy, Thanks, but no thanks,” I would like to comment on one of the student run activities that is going on this April.

The Freeman Spring Concert, Saturday, April 23, is entirely organized by students. The only administrative involvement has been event approval by Iowa State’s event authorization committee.

Students have created the budget, raised funds for the event from on campus student-run organizations (Richardson Court Association, ISU AfterDark, Inter-Residence Hall Association, Leaders INspiring Connections, Student Union Board), and coordinated all other aspects of putting together a concert. They have negotiated with national booking agencies to bring three nationally touring bands and three regional bands together for our six hour concert. They have done all this and have still managed to keep the concert admission entirely free.

This small group of students is receiving help from more than 60 student volunteers to staff the concert; a prime example of students taking back their spring celebrations.

We have not made a “Shadow Veishea,” but an entirely new event in a developing history of university-wide events organized by Freeman Hall.

Motion City Soundtrack, Melee, Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer, Famous by July, Officially Terminated, and Blood Will Tell will be performing in the Forker parking lot starting at 4 p.m. For more information on this event, please e-mail [email protected].

Andrew Wake



Ryan McNair


Managing Information Systems

Thomas Shaw


Mechanical Engineering

Jason Duncan


Mechanical Engineering