Disorder dominates GSB senate meeting

Dan Slatterly

A correction was added to this article March 13.

Because of a reporting error, the March 10 article “Disorder dominates GSB senate meeting” incorrectly attributed several statements. Comments concerning funding for Battle of the Bands should have been attributed to John Tillo, off-campus senator, instead of David Tillinghast, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences senator. The Daily regrets this error.The Government of the Student Body Senate meeting Wednesday was marked by disruption and disorder.

Henry Alliger, speaker of the senate and presidential candidate, presided over the senate in the place of GSB vice president William Rock, leading a visibly disorganized meeting.

“Tonight’s meeting was not up to the standard of excellence seen from GSB,” said Angela Groh, director of government relations and presidential candidate.

Alliger said he was unaware he was going to lead the meeting.

“A few people had been at the bar beforehand; I was there with them,” he said.

He said the GSB election was over and many members of GSB were near the end of their terms and on “autopilot.”

Alliger made repeated mistakes in counting votes on bills and in stating the outcome of the votes correctly.

Andrew Brown, Interfraternity Council senator, rose to enter a motion to register his frustration with distractions in the room after Abby LaCombe, off-campus government senator, continually disrupted the meeting.

LaCombe was then pulled out by GSB President Sophia Magill and did not return for the rest of the meeting. Magill said she saw unrest in the room and decided to talk to LaCombe. One of LaCombe’s friends then picked her up from the meeting.

The senate also dealt with how to honor a bill that would fund the Battle of the Bands after the bill had overdrawn the student appropriations account by $448.50.

The Battle of the Bands is being held April 16, sponsored by the Union Drive Association.

The senate moved to amend the already adopted bill in Wednesday’s GSB meeting to reduce funding by the amount overdrawn. The amendment was passed with unanimous consent.

David Tillinghast, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences senator, said the residence halls’ Union Drive Association would cover the money lost by the oversight.

“It was a silly mistake; I was responsible and I messed up,” Tillinghast said.

He said the bill originally funded $1,920 for various costs associated with having the competition.

Jason Carroll, vice chairman of finance, said the GSB office manager found the discrepancy after the bill had been passed. Carroll said the account is something no one really knows about.

Kristi Kramer, GSB finance director, said the finance committee usually looks at the amount of money contained in each account before approving funds. The balance of the student appropriations account is generally $3,000, but after a tailgating bill, there was less money. She said everyone thought the account had the $1,920 to cover the bill.

“It was not one person’s fault,” she said.