IRHA to discuss bylaws, constitution restructure

Andrew Killinger

A lengthy debate on bylaw and constitution restructuring is expected to be the focal point of Thursday’s meeting of the Inter-Residence Hall Association.

“I hope there’s a lot of good discussion weighing out the pros and cons of the current constitution,” said IRHA Adviser Heather Phillips.

The parliament will vote on two bills regarding IRHA’s reorganization, one each for the bylaws and the constitution.

“There will be three main areas of change that will be most substantially debated,” said IRHA President Drew Larson.

Finance is one of the “most contentious” areas, he said, having already caused much debate.

“Who we can fund is really the big issue. Who [does funding] have to benefit?” Larson said.

In addition to changes in IRHA’s finance, Larson predicts executive cabinet changes and hall representation restructuring will be other key topics of discussion.

“The changes to the executive cabinet are fairly uncontroversial,” Larson said. “Most people think that the exec is a little big now, and it should be changed.”

Larson said the new legislation will be the largest tentative change to the organization he has seen.

Willow Hall Coordinator Craig Chatriand will replace Phillips as IRHA adviser and will also become the Eaton Hall Director for the 2005-2006 academic year.

Phillips will be leaving the organization at the end of this school year to finish her doctoral studies at Iowa State.

“I’ve really enjoyed my time with IRHA,” she said. “I hope I’ve been able to give something to the organization.”

Larson said Phillips has taught him a lot about the Department of Residence and he thinks it is a shame to lose her.

In addition to these changes, parliament will be discuss plans for Residence Hall Week festivities next month.

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Wallace-Wilson conference room.