Out of the way: Beep Beep to close ‘Business Casual’ tour

Dan Mcclanahan

As musicians, the members of Omaha-based band Beep Beep spend a lot of time touring.

Unfortunately, live performances aren’t always as glorious as playing a sold-out show at the House of Blues.

“It hasn’t always been a pleasant experience,” says Chris Hughes, lead singer and guitarist.

“The New Brooklyn Tavern [in South Carolina] was a shithole. Their ceiling leaked incessantly and kept pissing all over my new amp. It’s a little terrifying to play a show when your equipment is wet and you could be electrocuted at any moment.”

But it wasn’t just the environment that annoyed the band. Other bands acted unprofessionally, Hughes says.

“What made it worse — one of the bands we were playing with were a bunch of jerks,” Hughes says.

“One of their guys actually hit a girl in the face with a beer bottle, so Joel [Beep Beep’s bassist] had to jump off stage and break up the fight … he ended up having to body-slam the guy into a wall.”

Beep Beep is touring in support of its debut album, “Business Casual,” recently released by Saddle Creek Records.

It brings its tour to a close at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines. The band is excited to bring its wailing electric melodies to Iowa and end its tour with a bang, Hughes says.

“We’ve played a show every single day of the tour except for two, and those two days we were driving,” Hughes says.

“I honestly can’t wait to bring the tour to a close. It’s been great, but what we do requires a ton of energy.”

Beep Beep began in 2001 when Hughes and Eric Bemberger met and began writing music.

“We try to write what we would like to hear,” says Bemberger, Beep Beep guitarist and vocalist.

“Chris and I accentuate each other very well.”

The duo was joined by Mike Sweeney on drums and Joel Petersen on bass.

Sleeping wherever it can find a friendly floor, the band hasn’t missed a show — even though half of the band has been stricken with influenza along the way. Hughes says during one show he had a high fever and felt like he was going to pass out. But he played on.

Inspired by numerous artists ranging from AC/DC to the Faint, Beep Beep proclaims itself as an “unorthodox art rock” band.

It hopes to record its next album in September, then once again undergo the crazy cycle of touring and publicity.

“We’re taking the band very seriously; I quit my full-time job in order to tour, and I can’t wait to get back to my home studio and work on ideas for [the new album],” Hughes says.

Aside from exciting touring experiences and the whole “being in a band thing,” Hughes insists the members of Beep Beep are ordinary guys.

“We’re probably the biggest nerds you’ll ever run into,” he says. “We don’t drink, we go to bed early and we like to go to movies and partake in nerdy hobbies.”

What: Beep Beep

Where: Vaudeville Mews, 212 4th St., Des Moines

When: 10 p.m. Saturday

Cost: $7