LETTER: Economics should be required for all

Students in most majors are not required to take any courses in economics, but I believe we would be well-served by adding this extra requirement to apply for graduation.

Knowledge of economics is an understanding of the way scarce resources are distributed. Citizens in today’s complex world are affected by factors totally beyond their control; the logic of economics is essential to understanding those decisions and being able to present reasons to advocate an alternative plan.

By requiring at least a course or two, the university would fulfill one of its goals, to “instill in its students the discernment, intellectual curiosity, knowledge and skills essential for their individual development and their useful contribution to society.”

Concepts from economics are applicable to a wide range of social activities outside business, and there are many great professors in the department here at Iowa State.

It is obvious many students have a weak grasp of economic fundamentals when some complain about the money pharmaceutical manufacturers spend on marketing drugs, express outrage at outsourcing jobs making manhole covers, or simply assume the government will always have enough money to do everything.

A better understanding of economics would help students make wiser financial decisions, understand the reasons behind changes in the world around them and leave the world better off by ensuring fewer registered Democrats.

Nate Hertel


Political Science