Money granted to buy KURE new transmitter

Dan Slatterly

Iowa State’s student radio station received the nearly $20,000 it had requested from the Government of the Student Body for the purchase of new equipment Wednesday.

KURE 88.5 FM requested $19,817 for the purchase of a new transmitter, a studio amplifier and production room equipment.

“This will get us back up to equal power,” said Jeff Sibert, KURE operations director.

“Everyone in Ames will hear us.”

GSB funds the entire KURE budget; the station does not sell advertisements. Local businesses give donations to supplement the budget and cover non-operating expenses, said Anne Greenwood, KURE general manager.

The new transmitter was the most important item on the bill, because without it the station would have been under violation of the Federal Communications Commission in April.

The FCC grants licenses for certain frequencies at certain power levels.

The station is operating under a temporary permit that allows it to operate at lower power until April because of the faulty transmitter, Greenwood said.

After some debate, and a rejected amendment to reduce the funding amount, the bill passed unanimously to appropriate the funds through the capital projects account.

Greenwood said she was happy with all the GSB senators who supported the station.

Ryan Doll, co-author of the bill and Towers Residence Association senator, was one who supported full funding.

As Doll looked at the list of items on the bill, he said a pattern was evident. Every item on the list is something the radio station needs, he said.

The transmitter is budgeted for $14,583, the amplifier at $205, three recording microphones at $537 and an audio processor for $1,299.