Candidates for GSB executive office to start campaigns

Dan Slatterly

Three slates have officially announced intentions to run for the executive ticket of the Government of the Student Body.

The three groups are:

  • Angela Groh, junior in political science, and Christopher Deal, junior in mechanical engineering;
  • Henry Alliger, senior in animal science, and Sarah Walter, junior in mechanical engineering; and
  • Mitchell Hayek, junior in agricultural biochemistry, and Dustin Paulson, sophomore in plant health and protection.

The candidates said they are planning on acquiring all the required signatures and beginning their campaigns by Tuesday.

Each president-vice president slate must gather 1,500 student signatures to mark the official start of campaigning.

The election commission, headed by Caleb Shinn, will then approve the signatures.

The petitions are due at noon Feb. 17.

Two of the groups have prior GSB experience. The other group has residence hall government experience.

Groh has been the director of government relations for the past two years.

Deal is a first-semester director of academic affairs.

Alliger is the speaker of the senate, has served as an agriculture senator and has worked on the rules committee for the past three years.

Walter is the director of student diversity and was an engineering senator.

Hayek is the president of Maple Hall and has worked with the Inter-Residence Hall Association for the past year.

Paulson is the secretary for Maple Hall.

“I think Chris and I can really do an effective job for the students,” Groh said.

Groh said she and Deal are the perfect combination of leadership, experience, innovation and integrity.

The slate said it plan to change things it feels GSB is not doing effectively.

“We want to change the way GSB works with university committees,” she said.

The committees do not have a feedback mechanism for members of the group, which creates a lack of responsibility for actions taken, she said.

This feedback would also increase the number of non-GSB students serving on these committees.

Hayek said he and Paulson want to increase the perception and visibility of GSB. He said they would also like to increase relations with other governmental institutions.

“We want to show the students of ISU that GSB can work for them,” Hayek said.

Creating a more open community and adding town hall style meetings to the ISU campus is also a goal, he said.

“We feel we have a lot of positive ideas that can improve the student body,” Paulson said.

Walter said she feels the experience she and Alliger have is an indicator of the work they plan to do as president and vice president.

“We feel we have the drive and ability to be effective,” she said.

Alliger said by working with GSB, he has seen a lot of things that need to change.

He said one thing that needs to be changed is functionality of the GSB cabinet. He said the cabinet could be reduced and be held responsible for completing its objectives.

Although this is his first semester on GSB, Deal said he has sat in on GSB for nearly a year.

“I’ve also worked with the cabinet and executive [branches] this semester and have gotten more of an inside feel,” he said.

Hayek said he would allow anybody to contact him any time if he was elected president.

“We are running to work with you more than any other administration that I am aware of,” he said.

Alliger said he doesn’t want the campaign to take away from his current duties.

“It is very important that we continue to work hard in our current positions,” he said.