LETTER: Balance in sources vital to journalism
February 9, 2005
Although Kari Hoefer did a good job of speaking with fraternity representatives, there were two other groups forgotten (“Greek houses, residence halls see lower GPAs,” Feb. 8). Sororities, while included on the front page chart of house grades, were nowhere to be found in her article.
No academic chairs or members were quoted and no advisers were interviewed. Residence halls, on the other hand, were not even given the same recognition as sororities. Though they were mentioned in the closing paragraphs, residence hall grades weren’t even charted! No student officers of residence halls or even residents, were given their chance to be heard. Ms. Hoefer should have reconsidered the title of her piece, or given each group included in “Greek houses, residence halls see lower GPAs” equal representation.
Amber Alley
Delta Zeta Sorority