LETTER: Daily irresponsible in greek GPA story

Way to go, Daily, for helping to destroy one of Iowa State’s largest and most involved communities (“Greek houses, residence halls see lower GPAs,” Feb. 8).

Your article on the university’s lowered GPA seems to place the blame solely on the greek community, although the residence halls’ GPA dropped five times the amount of the greek community. It seems strange that so much of the article focused on one part of the student population whose grades dropped, as pointed out in the article, only one-hundredth of a point.

The article neglected to mention, however, that the greek community continues to perform above the campus-wide average, although we were characterized as being distracted by “wasting time, video games and laziness.”

Also, the Daily takes time to point out 13 houses on campus that were below the campus wide average. What they failed to point out is that there are 42 fraternities and sororities on campus, so 29 were above the university average. It seems hard to place the blame on a group in which nearly 70 percent of the organizations actually improved the university average.

It seems that it has been a long time since something positive from the greek community has been written about in the Daily.

Our above-average academic achievements get ignored, as well as our on-campus involvement and philanthropic success. Currently, the interest in greek organizations is declining nationwide.

The reasons become clear when one reads biased articles like the one found in the Daily. It would be nice if some of the outstanding work of the ladies and gentlemen of fraternities and sororities was recognized in place of the constant furthering of a stereotype.

Seth Spreadbury

