‘Crazy for You’ to showcase modern edge

Rachel Brown

Night after night, actress Kelly Lynn Cosme plays the same character with the same lines and songs, but every night, she says, she’s still enthused to be playing Polly Baker.

“She is a headstrong, feisty woman who has taken on a lot of responsibility. I love her,” Cosme says.

Cosme is the female lead in “Crazy For You,” an adaptation of a 1930 George and Ira Gershwin play, and has been touring since September.

The musical is about Bobby Child, the son of a banker who has come to shut down father Baker’s theater. Polly is resistant and wants nothing to do with the person who has been sent to take away her father’s theater in an attempt to save it. In an attempt to gain Polly’s love, Bobby decides to throw a show at her father’s theater.

“Crazy For You” takes a twist on the original play, titled “Girl Crazy,” by giving it a modern edge. Cosme says the cast is younger than the actors who played in “Girl Crazy.” She says the cast gives “Crazy for You” a hipper feeling.

But the play doesn’t leave its past behind. It still contains well-known Gershwin songs like “I’ve Got Rhythm,” “Bidin’ My Time,” “Embraceable You” and “But Not For Me.”

“Gershwin plays have touched so many generations,” Cosme says.

That’s not to say the play came easy — Cosme says much work went into the play before it started. In August, the cast and crew rehearsed for one month to make sure everything would go smoothly. Cosme says the cast went over its lines to perfect them while the crew worked on the technical equipment to make the cast shine bright.

So far, the 85-city tour has been quite different from what Cosme says she was used to. This is her first national tour.

“The biggest difference is that when you are on a national tour, you have to stay healthy,” Cosme says. “You think you’re used to certain allergies, but being on tour will make you realize how easy it is to catch things.”

Cosme also had to deal with different crowds who had different expectations for “Crazy for You.”

“Audiences can be so different — some will be very quiet, then the next will be loud and really get involved,” she says.

Dancing is how 26-year-old Cosme got her start. After a few auditions, she says, she realized that she loved to sing and act. Aside from high school productions and children’s plays, Cosme is new to the theater scene.

“I was hit by the theater bug and I didn’t turn back,” she says.

Cosme says she loves that she can do everything she is passionate about in one setting — singing, acting and dancing. She just hopes she can make the audience enjoy it as much.

“The main idea I want people to take away from the show is a love for Gershwin music and how it has touched so many different people,” says Cosme. “I love Gershwin, and I want people to walk away smiling.”