Council to discuss lower term limits, changes to CyRide

Adam Calder

The Ames City Council will vote on ordinances that would reduce the terms of three commission positions at its Tuesday meeting.

The proposed reductions are for positions on the Planning and Zoning, Human Relations and Parks and Recreation commissions. The new terms for Human Relations and Parks and Recreation would be changed from three years to one year and the terms for Planning and Zoning from four years to two years.

Councilwoman Sharon Wirth said she favors changing some of the commission terms to give temporary Ames residents a chance to be more active in the community.

“I think it is a good idea,” Wirth said. “We certainly want to encourage student participation.”

Wirth expressed concern about changing the Planning and Zoning Commission term.

“I have some concerns for Planning and Zoning,” said Wirth. “You need to be familiar with policy plan and zoning code. Those are both lengthy plans.”

She said changing the Planning and Zoning Commission seat from four to two years would probably not be beneficial to the community.

“I do not think that [changing the commission term] will necessarily encourage students to take a seat on the commission,” Wirth said. “I think continuity in a position like that is important to the whole community.”

A petition has also forced the city to address the question of term limits for City Council members. The petition, signed by 731 people, mostly ISU students. forces the city to schedule a special election, which has tentatively been coupled with a vote on an increase in the hotel/motel tax.

The council will also discuss two resolutions pertaining to CyRide. One resolution involves route reconstruction because streets heavily used by CyRide need maintenance. The other hearing is on a resolution to approve plans for the CyRide Garage Expansion Project. If the garage expansion resolution passes, the construction contract will go to the Marshalltown-based company Welker Construction Co. Inc., in the amount of $1,239,725.

The council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Council Chambers, 515 Clark Ave.