ISU football players enter not guilty pleas

Adam Graaf

NEVADA — Two ISU football players pleaded not guilty to charges of burglary Monday.

Tyease Thompson, freshman running back, and Jerry Gair Jr., junior defensive back, each submitted written pleas of not guilty to charges of third-degree burglary, a Class D felony, a crime that carries penalties of up to $7,500 in fines and up to five years in prison.

Gair and Thompson were arrested Jan. 24 after police said Larch Hall residents found Gair and Thompson in their room, and the players fled.

Gair is also scheduled to have a preliminary hearing Feb. 21 for separate charges of third-degree burglary and second-degree theft that stem from a later arrest.

According to ISU Police, during the initial arrest, officers observed a laptop computer and a case in the trunk of Gair’s vehicle.

On Jan. 26, a Larch Hall resident reported a missing laptop to the police, according to police.

According to police reports, witnesses saw Gair entering and exiting other residents’ rooms the same day and saw him leaving Larch Hall with a black laptop case that he placed in his vehicle.

On Jan. 31, police searched Gair’s home and vehicle again, but neither a case nor a laptop was recovered, according to police.

Gair surrendered to the Story County Sheriff’s Office at approximately 7:20 a.m. Feb. 4 and was charged.

Both Gair and Thompson have been suspended indefinitely from the football team.

Junior defensive end Cephus Johnson will be the third Cyclone football player to be arraigned this month.

Monday, Johnson will be arraigned on a charge of assault causing bodily injury. He is accused of punching Nicholas Zeitler, senior in computer engineering, on Jan. 14.

The charge is considered a serious misdemeanor, which could carry a fine up to $1,500 and up to one year in prison.