LETTER: Alliger/Walter slate is the best choice

I don’t usually get too involved in politics, mostly because I just assume someone else will take care of it. Lately this has changed for me; I have been reading the letters in the Daily about the Government of the Student Body elections. I noticed that the slate in my mind with the most experience has not been mentioned enough. I don’t personally know Henry Alliger or Sarah Walter, but I do know that they have been around GSB for a combined five years, which I believe is more than the other slates. I also know that in the past Alliger has done a lot through GSB to help things that I care about, like Veishea. He has been working with the Board of Regents to help keep tuition predictable, and he even voted to cut the GSB vice president compensation package when he knew he would be campaigning for the executive seat. Walter, in one year, has accomplished something people have been talking about for years — the Multicultural Center.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I would like my $46 per year in student fees to be handled by people who have been around and know how things work. That’s why I will be voting for Alliger and Walter on March 7 and 8. Make sure you check out their Web site at www.simplifygsb.com.

Noel Fenton

