Oh My God returns — hopefully sans vomit

Andrew Shafer

Oh My God is not a Christian band. Just look at the third commandment — thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain.

If not a Christian band, then what exactly is Oh My God?

Oh My God is a rock band. A rock band with an organ — and no guitar. That’s right, a rock band sans guitar.

“At the beginning, we did have a guitar,” says Brian Berkowtiz, the band’s resident organist. “We just made the decision to go with just the organ-bass-drums setup, though, because I play a lot of guitar-sounding things on the organ. And I’m a big fan of trios.”

Oh My God is bringing its unique music to Ames once again, and, after the band’s last experience here, that is quite surprising.

Legend has it that Billy O’Neill, Oh My God’s vocalist, had a terrible stomach virus and hadn’t eaten for days. Just before the band went on stage, he made the mistake of eating some Chinese food. During the third-to-last song, O’Neill, having put on a thus-far great show, started to feel sick, and, grabbing a conveniently placed bucket, had a second tasting of his partially digested Kung Pao chicken.

“At least I waited until the end of the set,” he says.

Obviously, O’Neill was unable to continue, so one of Oh My God’s roadies, knowing most of the songs, got on stage to finish the set. Feeling this was his one chance at a rock-star moment, he grabbed the festering bucket of puke and dumped it all over himself.

“It was definitely disgusting, and I disapprove,” says Berkowitz, who is known to most as Iguana. “On the other hand, though, it’s a rock ‘n’ roll show — it’s not like we were there for a library seminar.”

Oh My God’s Iowa woes did not end with puke, though.

“The next day a couple of the guys went to get a backpack or something at Target and got rear-ended,” Iguana says. “The back of the van got crunched and we had to spend the whole rest of the tour loading this really heavy equipment up over the back seat. It was really back breaking.”

After enduring these two incidents and having all of their equipment stolen out of their van on a busy street in broad daylight in Buffalo, N.Y. — imagine someone running down the street lugging a stolen organ — it’s hard to believe the trio can tour at all any more.

All the bands’ quirks and crazy experiences add up to an unpredictable live show, O’Neill says.

“I want to be about more than notes and rhythms,” he says. “In the spirit of fun and creativity, I choose to do outlandish things.”

Berkowitz says this outrageous shtick brings lot of the same faces back to other Oh My God shows, because they know they’ll be getting something new.

“People in Ames might be more likely to show up wearing rain coats because of our last show,” he says.

Who: Oh My God

Where: M-Shop

When: 9 p.m. Friday

Cost: $6 students, $8 public