LETTER: Columnist misused right of free speech

How dare Nicolai Brown use an analogy as absurd as he did in his article, “Bush’s newest addition to government: Department of GREED” (Feb. 22). He obviously has no respect for freedom of religion or for the values that this country was founded on. Yes, he has the right to freedom of speech, but using it so negatively and out of proportion is outrageous. Consider the feedback if he had used Allah instead of God in his article.

He also must have a problem with Protestantism and Catholicism and chose to make a complete mockery of our religion. And the cartoon was just absurd. Do you think God would brag about killing people?

Yes, he may choose when our time is up, but he has a good reason for it.

The mockery of this article is atrocious. It wasn’t cute, it wasn’t funny, and it definitely didn’t need to appear in a newspaper that represents all ISU students — current and alumni — faculty and staff.

If Mr. Brown wants to voice his opinion of the president and his job, go ahead. But don’t use a man’s religion against him like that.

Andrew Norton

