Council approves special election to lower members’ term lengths

Adam Calder

The Ames City Council unanimously voted to approve a special election intended to change Council term limits.

City attorney John Klaus said Iowa Code states that any special election pertaining to a city must be paid for by the city government, and any attempts to receive reimbursement for the election are not covered under the code.

According to Iowa Code, the Council would also not be allowed to simply fail to act on the petition, and a lawsuit could be brought against the city to force the vote if necessary. Klaus recommended the city hold the elections to avoid any lawsuits.

The vote is tentatively scheduled for April 5, the same day as a vote on a proposed hotel/motel tax increase.

Government of the Student Body Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger said he was concerned about the special vote and how the council may view its intent.

“I would say while some view it as overreaching, I think that addressing the concerns of 731 individuals is important,” Alliger said.

“As far as is this an effort to get student control of the City Council, as one of the originators of the petition it is not my intent to do that.”

Councilman Steve Goodhue voiced concerns about this special vote.

“I think this is a tremendous mistake,” Goodhue said.

Councilman Matthew Goodman said he felt the election was not good for the city, but it did have a positive aspect.

“I think swifter accountability of Council members is an asset to our constituents,” Goodman said.

Resolutions to change the terms of office for the Planning and Zoning, Human Relations, and Parks and Recreation commissions all passed. Councilwoman Sharon Wirth voted against an ordinance for the Planning and Zoning Commission. The ordinances would shorten the terms of the three commissions to be more accommodating to short-term Ames residents.

Council members said they wanted to waive the second and third readings of the ordinances but could not because there were only four voting members left at the end of the meeting.