LETTER: Democrats value votes over ideology

Mr. Nicolai Brown makes some very interesting points about the ideological stability of the Democratic Party in his column (“Whether by calculation or stupidity, the Dems are done,” Feb.7). Unfortunately, we must come to an understanding that they are working on their next run for the presidency. Although it is starting quite early, Democrats are using bipartisanship to win their way into the White House for the next term. The Democratic Party has realized that its sense of logical right and wrong was smothered by the elected party’s moral obligation to society. Democrats hope to ride the popular wave of faith and freedom and then capitalize on what many economic analysts think will be a rough next four years for the U.S. economy. So the Democratic platform in four years will be a conglomeration of conservative moral values and cleaning up the Republican economic mess. I do applaud Democrats like Sen. Tom Harkin and Sen. Hillary Clinton, who are political leaders taking steps to bridge the gap between the Republican and Democratic parties. Yet, I would hesitate to vote for someone who is swayed by a political agenda rather than their own conscience.

Peris Chamberlain


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