Rail Jam brings extreme sports to Welch Avenue

Jess Jochims

A correction was added to this article Feb. 11.

Because of an editing error, the Feb. 10 article “Rail Jam brings extreme sports to Welch Avenue” incorrectly stated that the Campustown Rail Jam is a competition. It is an exhibition performance. The Daily regrets this error.

The winter X-Games, as seen on ESPN, demonstrated the best extreme-sport athletes in the world competing for medals. This weekend, the best at Iowa State will compete in Campustown.

The ISU Ski and Snowboard Club is hosting the Campustown Rail Jam — a freestyle skiing and snowboarding exhibition — in the heart of Campustown on Saturday.

“We’ll have a number of different types of rails and boxes down the street that the participants will slide on,” said Reid Morris, race chairman of the ski and snowboard club.

The obvious need for the competition is snow, which may be a problem come Saturday. But don’t worry — there is a backup plan, he said.

“If there is no snow on Welch, we will bring in snow from the ISU dormitory parking lots,” Morris said. “If you fall off the railing, it would be better to land on snow instead of concrete.”

Morris said the Rail Jam is being held at night because that’s when everyone will be out.

“We want this to be very spectator friendly,” Morris said. “Some people have never seen a ski or snowboard sliding down a metal railing.”

He added that safety is a priority. The participants must show the ability to perform maneuvers correctly, so novices need not apply.

Chris Hunt, junior in industrial engineering, said he plans to participate in the event.

“This will be a great way to show ISU students what we are doing in the club and on the freestyle team,” Hunt said. “Hitting some rails down Welch Avenue, in front of a ton of people sounds like too much fun to pass up.”

Nicole Kunzman, manager of the Rail Jam, said the event will bring positive exposure to the ISU Ski and Snowboard Club, as well as to Campustown businesses.

“We have a very active and social club that will hopefully get people excited about skiing and snowboarding,” said Kunzman, senior in marketing. “We hope for students to come out and have a great time, while supporting our local businesses. This is going to be the event of the semester.”

The festivities also include a raffle, prizes for competitors and a D.J. It begins at 8 p.m.

What: Campustown Rail Jam

Where: On Welch Avenue between Lincoln Way and Chamberlain Street

When: 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday