Gospel group will honor King

Alex Switzer

Every third Monday in January, schools, post offices and federal institutions close their doors in remembrance of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.

But not everyone takes time off — at Iowa State, some groups see this as a perfect time to remember King.

This Thursday, speakers and gospel music will celebrate the life and accomplishments of King with their own ceremony.

Campus gospel organization Gospel Soul Innovators will be performing a small repertoire of traditional songs to liven up the event.

Heather Thompson, faculty adviser to the Innovators, says the group will celebrate the diversity King stood for by performing different types of music.

“We celebrate different cultures by singing different types of music,” Thompson says.

“We ourselves are an interracial group. I think the term ‘gospel’ in our name raises a flag of diversity.”

Thompson says even though much has been done to help eliminate racism in our culture, today’s fight for equality still cannot be deserted.

“We support the vision Martin Luther King had for America,” she says.

“It’s a continual area of struggle. We can’t let things slip and slide. We need to keep fighting for racial reconciliation.”

Tamara Pitts, a member of the Innovators, says gospel music is fitting for the celebration because of the genre’s celebration of diversity and God.

“We know it’s good because we’re singing the gospel of God,” says Pitts, senior in civil engineering.

“We are celebrating a man who believed in God and what he stood for.”

Pitts says she believes the celebration will not only pay tribute to the late King but also help raise awareness of ethnic diversity on campus.

“This will help because we are the minority,” she says.

“We need to make sure people know we’re here for school like everyone else.”

Susan Carlson, associate provost, was involved with the planning committee to develop this year’s celebration.

Carlson says the holiday will be a wonderful opportunity to get students involved with current issues that are focused on racial equality.

“We’re hoping for a good turnout,” she says.

“We are trying to get all sectors of the school involved, the students, faculty and staff.”

She says this Thursday’s event will be a precursor to later discussions about the cultural climate and how diversity can be improved on campus.

“We’re hoping this event will have some people take some time out of their day to think about the important issues,” she says.

What: Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration

Where: Sun Room of the Memorial Union

When: Noon Tuesday

Cost: Free