Strut your stuff with student designs

Brianna Delphey

ISU students who have dreamed of being in the spotlight may get their chance this week.

The textiles and clothing department will host tryouts Monday and Tuesday for its 23rd annual fashion show.

“Grab a friend and try out,” said Amanda Cox, junior in apparel merchandising, design and production. “It doesn’t hurt to try.”

Cox, who modeled in last year’s show, will try out for this year’s show and is on the show committee as well.

“It’s a lot of fun,” she said. “You get to meet a lot of new people.”

Anyone who wants to audition is welcome to try out, said J.R. Campbell, associate professor of textiles and clothing.

There are some specific characteristics organizers would like models to have.

“We’re looking for girls who are tall and have a nice figure,” said Jennifer Reicherts, senior in apparel merchandising, design and production.

The committee is searching for men as well, because the show’s guest designer plans to bring items from his menswear clothing line. Male models should wear size 32 pants and should be approximately six feet tall, she said.

The guest designer, Oliver Helden, is a technical designer for Marc by Marc Jacobs. He also has a personal line of men’s clothing.

“We’re really excited to have him because we’ve never really had someone of his level,” Reicherts said.

Clothing designed by ISU students will be in the show as well. Reicherts plans to contribute her 1890s-inspired fashions.

“Basically, it’s like your own line, but only three garments [are modeled],” she said.

The styles in the show vary because each student designs clothes for models to wear based on their own inspirations.

After being selected, models are expected to practice once per week until the show, Cox said.

“The show is definitely the best part,” Cox said. “It’s really something amazing, especially to take place in Iowa.”

Tryouts are from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in LeBaron Lounge in LeBaron Hall. This year’s show, Spektrum, will be held April 16 in Stephens Auditorium.