Iowa State remembers tsunami victims

Teresa Krug

Hundreds of students are expected to attend a memorial service Wednesday to remember, honor and grieve for those affected by last month’s earthquake and tsunamis in Southeast Asia.

Neny Isharyanti, graduate student in English who is from Indonesia, organized the event. Isharyanti said she wanted to create this memorial service to show respect to the people hurt and give people in Ames an outlet to express their concerns.

“This is the least that I can do while I am away,” she said.

The service will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

She said she hopes this memorial will show the people of Ames that residents here are not only aware of what happened, but they also care. She wants to show how the whole world is working together, she said, rather than as different nations.

Sarah Walter, director of student diversity for the Government of the Student Body, has also been key in helping the memorial come together. Walter said she has been amazed at the support from student organizations and individuals already and hopes this will extend into the memorial.

People who have lost family members may find strength, and others can show their support, she said.

“I hope that people get what they want to get [from the service],” Walter said.

Alison Lima, senior in biology, has coordinated the tsunami relief project on campus during the last few weeks. Lima said she is glad there will be a memorial service.

“I think that it’s important that we support them during this time and just be there for them,” she said.

Lima added that the relief efforts are going well, having already collected more than $2,000 in the first week.

“We’ve got a lot of student support,” she said.

She is projecting that the relief project will collect a total of $4,000 to $5,000 by Friday.

Lima and Isharyanti both said the chance to donate money at the service will be available, but a show of support is most important.

Friday will be the last day to donate money through the project.

“Even if they can’t give money, they can give prayers,” Isharyanti said.

Representatives from almost every country involved in the disaster will give testimonials.

The Saman dance from Aceh, Indonesia will be performed by members of the Indonesian Student Association.

Speakers will include ISU President Gregory Geoffroy, Ames Mayor Ted Tedesco and Government of the Student Body President Sophia Magill. Assistant to the President Tahira Hira and Roy Salcedo, program assistant for the honors program, will also speak at the memorial. A candlelit ceremony on the Terrace of the Memorial Union will close the service.