Ames City Council to meet with GSB

Dan Slatterly

The Government of the Student Body hopes to address many important issues, including the future of Veishea and the relationship between Iowa State and Ames, at its upcoming meeting Wednesday.

Thomas Hill, vice president for student affairs, and Pete Englin, dean of students, will lead the discussion about future spring festivals for Iowa State.

The Veishea task force and commission reports will be used as a reference.

Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger said the discussion is important to have now because there is still potential for a spring celebration in April 2005. It is also a time where everyone involved will be present, Alliger said.

GSB Vice President William Rock said this meeting will address interesting issues relevant to students today.

“It is really just a big kickoff to the year,” he said.

Ames City Council members and Government of the Student Body senators also hope to address joint issues before the regularly scheduled GSB senate meeting Wednesday night.

Rock said the presence of the City Council will allow both sides to put faces to names and get to know each other better.

“It is a good sign that we are headed in the right direction with the city,” Rock said.

“The main goal is to start to form a relationship,” said Councilman Matthew Goodman, a 2000 graduate of Iowa State. Goodman said he felt disenfranchised while a student and said he hopes the council can act on some of the thoughts generated from the meeting of the two organizations.

“As a student, the city wasn’t very responsive, in my perception,” Goodman said.

Alliger said having City Council attendance at the GSB meeting will create a network-building atmosphere.

The agenda for the meeting includes a senate resolution for increasing opportunities for students to serve as City Council members. The resolution, if implemented, would ask the city to make terms for at-large seats on the council last two years instead of four.

The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.