GSB seats new members at meeting

Dan Slatterly

The Government of the Student Body filled several vacant seats at its meeting Wednesday night.

“When you have new students elected to GSB, it is an opportunity to provide new perceptions to the group,” GSB President Sophia Magill said.

  • Cory Kleinheksel, sophomore in computer engineering, and Brad Weed, junior in mechanical engineering, were seated as College of Engineering senators.
  • Dan Determan, freshman in hotel, restaurant and institution management, was seated as a College of Family and Consumer Sciences senator.
  • Randy Gebhardt, senior in electrical engineering, was seated as the at-large alternate finance committee member.

* Chris Deal, junior in mechanical engineering, was seated as director of academic affairs.

“I am sure the senators will do a great job,” said Louis Kishkunas, GSB chief of staff.

“I am excited.”

The group also seated members of the Memorial Union Board of Directors.

  • Nathan Zoromski, junior in finance; Jonnell Marion, sophomore in marketing and Clark Richardson, sophomore in agricultural biochemistry were seated on the Memorial Union Board.

Magill also outlined her goals for the semester at the meeting, which include focusing on the implementation of Veishea recommendations and cooperating with the University of Northern Iowa and the University of Iowa while working with the Legislature and Board of Regents on tuition issues.