LETTER: Coke drinkers unite for equality in soda!

Your front-page article on the new beverage vending contract shows typical, one-sided journalism. (“Not always Coca-Cola,” Jan. 11). All we see are quotes from happy Pepsi drinkers. What about the hundreds of us who prefer Coca-Cola products and are now left empty-handed? Why is there no quote from us? There are plenty of us who did NOT find this decision to our liking!

This article sugar-coats a process that is quite frankly pretty down and dirty and based on little more than how much money is kicked back to the university. Glossing over this decision with terms like “wider selection” and “healthier beverages” belies the true intent — more commissions.

And the most important question remains unanswered: Why must this be an exclusive contract? If two beverage lines would “benefit both students and the university,” wouldn’t three be even better?

Why are we not offered ALL the choices so WE can make the decision rather than some committee? That would go a lot farther toward fulfilling Jon Lewis’ intent to “make everyone happy.”

I for one will not be putting any money into a Pepsi machine, and I urge Coke drinkers campuswide to boycott as well. Then take up Jon Lewis’ offer to call him at 294-3856 and tell him you would like to have a real freedom of choice that includes products from Coca-Cola.

Marty Ellenberger

Project Coordinator

Instructional Technology Center