New engineering dean excited about position

Amy Upah

The College of Engineering looks forward to fresh ideas under the direction of a new dean.

Mark Kushner, who replaced out-going engineering dean James Melsa, came to Iowa State from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kushner began his position as dean of the college at the beginning of January.

‘He has innovative ideas, a strong leadership capacity and is impressive as a candidate to all segments of the university,’ said Susan Carlson, associate provost for faculty advancement and diversity.

In a previous Daily article, Kushner said he had accepted the post at Iowa State because of the strong reputation of the engineering college.

One of Kushner”s goals as dean is to create a theme for the engineering college. He said the theme will be similar to ‘ISU: Source of Innovation and Leadership.’

Kushner said he will focus partially on raising the profile of the engineering college to be nationally and internationally known.

‘As dean of the College of Engineering, he will play a very central role in the academic mission of the college,’ Carlson said.

Deborah Leckband, head of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, said Kushner held her position in an interim role before she took over. She said Kushner spent six months mentoring her.

‘He is willing to take bold steps in faculty recruiting; he is efficient and effective,’ Leckband said.

Ramesh Kanwar, professor and chairman of agricultural and biosystems engineering, said Kushner will be a good resource for students and staff.

‘He is very personable,’ Kanwar said. ‘He is connecting with the faculty and is a true scholar.’

Kanwar said Kushner is active in research and is interested in sustainable development.

‘He realizes the importance of global connectivity,’ Kanwar said of Kushner.

Kanwar said Kushner can take the College of Engineering to the next level.

Kushner said the interim dean of the College of Engineering at Iowa State, Chuck Glatz, acquainted him with Iowa State prior to his arrival to help him adjust.

‘You can”t show up instantaneously,’ Kushner said.

Leckband said in addition to his aggressiveness and business-like attitude, Kushner has a rich personal life. Kushner ran cross country and track at UCLA and continues to run often. He is a big General Patton fan.

Position: Dean of the College of Engineering

Salary: $235,000


  • B.A. in Astronomy (Summa Cum Laude), University of California at Los Angeles
  • B.S. in Nuclear

Engineering (Summa Cum Laude), University of

California at Los Angeles

  • M.S. in Applied Physics,

California Institute of


  • Ph.D. in Applied Physics,

California Institute of


University of Illinois at


  • Founder Professor of


  • Interim Associate Dean of Academic Programs,

College of Engineering

  • Interim Head of

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Interim Head of

Chemical and Biomolecular


Awards and honors

  • AVS Distinguished

lecturer, 2001-2003

  • IEEE Plasma Science and Applications Award, 2000
  • AVS Plasma Science and Technology Prize, 1999