Florida rockers Shinedown, No Address hope to be here for the long haul

Joshua Haun

In the glut of emerging hard rock bands, it can be difficult for young acts to rise above the pack. For up-and-coming Florida-based rockers Shinedown and No Address, honesty is the key to winning over listeners.

“A lot of it has to do with who we are as a band and who we are as people,” Shinedown drummer Barry Kerch says. “We’re not fake. We wear our hearts on our sleeves.”

Shinedown is touring behind a re-released version of its debut album, “Leave a Whisper,” featuring an acoustic cover of the Lynrd Skynrd classic “Simple Man.” The band played many of its earliest shows at a club owned by deceased Skynrd vocalist Ronnie Van Zant.

“We did it as a thank you to the Van Zants,” Kerch says.

Kerch says although Shinedown’s success is based on an acoustic ballad, don’t expect to be put to sleep during its set.

“It’s a lot more in your face and energetic than people expect,” Kerch says. “We don’t just stand there and look at our instruments.”

No Address, whose debut album won’t be hitting stores until April, finds itself in a more precarious position. Vocalist Ben Lauren says, although he was initially concerned about going on tour without any product to promote, the audience reaction has alleviated his fears.

“The reaction from the crowd has been so amazing so far that I’m really not worried about it,” Lauren says. “So far it’s kind of blown me away.”

Lauren believes No Address’ constantly changing performance is one of the main reasons behind the positive reaction.

“We’re not a jukebox,” Lauren says. “I can’t do the same thing every night.”

The bands share a number of similarities, including influences ranging from southern rock to heavy metal and being part of the Atlantic Records stable of artists, but Lauren says the feeling on tour is one of camaraderie rather than competition.

“We’re all out there to support each other,” Lauren says. “The most difficult thing is to go out and be yourself.”

Shinedown’s Kerch has a more laid back take on the touring situation.

“We’re a bunch of Florida rednecks,” Kerch says. “We all enjoy hanging out and drinking beer.”

Although Shinedown and No Address have had success at an early stage of their careers, both bands have their sights set on being around for the long haul.

“We want to keep doing what we’re doing, try to be one of those timeless rock bands,” Kerch says.

Lauren believes No Address’ staying power ultimately lies in the hands of the group’s burgeoning fanbase.

“The public always buys good music,” Lauren says.

Who: Shinedown, No Address

Where: Val Air Ballroom

When: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday

Cost: $15 advance, $17 door