Students prep for ‘music marathon’ to raise funds

Ashley Garbin

Rarely does the word ‘marathon’ bring classical music to mind — but, for the second time, the ISU Wind Ensemble will combine the two in a six-hour concert.

The ensemble is hosting a fund-raiser in the form of a music marathon in order to help raise money for a trip to Europe later this year that will see them through Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany.

While the trip in itself is exciting for the ensemble, it holds something more for the students who will be experiencing Europe for the first time. This is the case for Laura Ohl, sophomore in music.

Ohl says she has played the alto saxophone for seven years and has been with the Wind Ensemble for three years.

‘I”m really looking forward to traveling,’ she says. ‘I”m excited for Austria because of all the sightseeing and history.’

Not all of the ensemble is heading to Europe for the first time, however. Some ensemble members still remain that made the initial voyage to Europe, but are enthusiastic about returning.

Among them is Dan Krumm, junior in music, who is excited to have the chance to visit Prague but remains focused on the reason for the trip.

‘I think the purpose of the trip is to provide exposure to other cultures and the experience of playing for other audiences,’ he says.

Michael Golemo, the ensemble”s director, made the trip to Europe last year and says the students will learn a lot about the different cultures they will be visiting.

‘I really loved Austria because of the rich musical history,’ he says.

‘Mozart was born in Salzburg, and there is a part of the city where you feel like you are back in the 18th century. Music is such an important part of culture in Europe.’

Although this trip will be a good educational experience, it will also be quite an expensive one. Thus the idea of a music marathon was born as a way to help students with the cost, Golemo says.

‘The students are paying for a significant portion of the trip, and any donations they receive are 100 percent theirs,’ he says.

The nonstop classical concert will be showcasing a variety of music, from old marches to a Sound of Music medley.

The anticipated highlight of the evening is a concert by the Wind Ensemble that will give it the chance to perform music it loves to play, Krumm says.

What: Wind Ensemble Music Marathon

Where: Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall

When: 4 p.m. Friday

Cost: Free