‘Beer is always a factor’ on Fridays at People’s

David A. Tillinghast Jr.

Never let it be said that beer won’t make people do things they normally wouldn’t do, especially when there’s $100 on the line.

That’s the idea behind the new competition “Beer Factor” at People’s Bar and Grill, 2428 Lincoln Way, where, according to the competition shirts, “beer is always a factor.”

People’s manager Mike Brown says although the bar has had game show-themed competitions in the past, this one is very different from the others.

Beer Factor, patterned after the TV show “Fear Factor,” takes place during Friday After Class, or FAC.

He says the competition consists of six contestants, four picked the previous week and two picked before the competition begins, competing in three different events — one of which will always be an eating competition — with the winner receiving $100 in cash.

Brown says patrons get especially excited about the eating competition because of the unpleasant food items.

“The crowd is out for blood,” Brown says. “They want to see someone get sick.”

At the most recent edition of Beer Factor on Friday, the three competitions included using a medical device to see who could suck the longest, eating a sandwich made of generic Spam, raw sardines and mustard sauce and “bobbing for beers” in ice cold water.

The crowd for the competition, full of friends of the contestants, yelled in support of their favorite competitor. After the first round, the sucking competition, two of the six competitors were eliminated.

The second round was the eating competition. The crowd cheered and laughed as two metal buckets were brought out in case the contestants got sick.

The eating was fairly slow, but the two men finished their entire sandwiches before the two women had even gotten through half of theirs.

“These girls are acting like it’s the nastiest thing they’ve ever put in their mouths,” jeered the competition’s emcee.

As time expired on the second round, both women were able to finish, but both needed one of the buckets to spit the last of their sandwiches in.

“The taste is indescribable,” says Angel Modtland, senior in graphic design.

No one was eliminated after the second round. Competitors were lined up according to finish time for the final competition, bobbing for beers.

None of the competitors were able to stay dry as each took turns trying to pull cans of beer out of the tub.

The two women went first, pulling out three and four beers, respectively, but were quickly eliminated.

Doug Moeller, sophomore in psychology, was able to pull 10 beers from the tub, but was topped by Beer Factor champion Chris Zach, senior in mechanical engineering, who pulled out 12.

Moeller says that, although he thought he could have won if he would have gone last instead of Zach, he still enjoyed the competition.

Zach said the worst part of the competition was the sardines on the sandwich he had to eat.

“I had puke halfway up, but I kept my mind on the $100, and I got the job done,” Zach said.