The information in the log comes from ISU Police Department records provided to the Daily. All those accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Jan. 1

  • A vehicle driven by Diane McDonald, 3701 Onion Creek Lane, struck an overhead door at Livestock Infectious Disease Isolation Facility, causing damage to the door.

Jan. 2

  • Shawn Turner, 21, 5521 W. Lincoln Way, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated at Gray Avenue and Lincoln Way.
  • William Vary, 37, Nevada, was arrested on 13th Street and charged with operating while intoxicated, interference with official acts, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substances and having an open container.
  • Jonathan Anderson, 24, 2901 Wessex Drive, was arrested and charged with public intoxication on Welch Avenue.

Jan. 4

  • A staff member reported finding seven boxes of abandoned personal property at the Memorial Union. The items were placed in secure storage until the owner can be contacted.
  • A staff member reported chalk writings being left at the Design College on a continuing basis.

Jan. 5

  • Vehicles owned and/or driven by Michael Lange and Yili Hong were involved in a property damage collision at University Village.