Mayhem Collectibles expands, gives students new playground

Jay Kim

In the world of comics, new heroes rise, old heroes fall, villains turn good and the dynamics of it all shift. Mayhem Collectibles, 2532 Lincoln Way, the Ames store for comics, games, collectibles and anime, is undergoing a cycle commonplace in comics — change.

Mayhem is in the process of an expansion that will provide a bigger and fully furnished game room. The expansion, tentatively slated for completion in mid-February, will also supply more space for the comic and anime sections.

Rob Josephson, co-owner of Mayhem, says the expansion is not only a sound business decision, but a love for his store and comics as well. An ISU alumnus, Josephson started Mayhem Collectibles 15 years ago with Dave Cory, another ISU alumnus.

“I was fresh out of college at the time,” Josephson says. “Dave and I came up with an idea to start a comic store. The idea took root because I always had a love of comics, while Dave was anxious to apply his business knowledge in running a business. Of course, the whole venture was trial-and-error. We learned new things each step of the way.”

Fortunately, Josephson received help and suggestions from other comic store owners.

“I listened carefully to everything they said,” Josephson says. “One of the most important things I learned, however, was to put all our effort and passion to the store. For every profit we made, we put as much as back as possible, re-investing in the store.”

When first running the store, one of Josephson’s main priorities was to shake off the stereotypical image of comic shops.

“People always have this image of a comic store as some dank, dark cesspool with a hippie or overweight guy as the owner,” Josephson says. “We make sure to dispel the stereotype. First, we have a staff that’s attentive and friendly — we always greet people who come into the store. The store is well-lit and well-organized. Finally, we’re always updated and well-stocked on recent shipments and merchandise.”

The current expansion is the third major change to Mayhem Collectibles.

“The second major change was the opening of the Des Moines store seven years ago,” Josephson says. “The current expansion was actually in the works since last year, when the owner of Grandma’s Jewelry approached us with the possible idea of selling her shop.”

As the year progressed, Josephson determined it would be a good addition, not only for the store, but for customers and game players as well.

“We purchased the space for Grandma’s Jewelry and set to planning and construction right away,” Josephson says. “Right now, there are still some things missing, like floor tiles, electrical wiring, lights and bathrooms.”

Once completed, the fully furnished game room will be open to game players of various kinds.

“I think people will appreciate this new addition,” Josephson says.

“The game room will be open until midnight, and it’s a great place to play out games and meet new faces.”

Although construction of the new game room is not yet complete, Josephson is already thinking ahead.

“We’re thinking about the possibility of opening a third store,” Josephson says.

Amid all the changes, one thing remains the same — Josephson’s wonder and enthusiasm for the comic industry.

“Every Wednesday is like Christmas,” Josephson says. “When I stroll in the store and see all the friendly faces and the new shipments of comics, it really keeps me going and passionate for this business.”