Campustown bar menu boasts 3 new selections

Katie Green

The streets of Campustown are getting a face lift by offering students three new bars to visit on the weekends.

Reign, 2522 Chamberlain St.; Big Shots Nightclub and Chasers Sportsbar, located on the corner of Stanton Avenue and Chamberlain Street; and Evolution, 116 Welch Ave., will be added to the list of Campustown bars.

Reign had its grand opening Jan. 20. The new Big Shots and Chasers are scheduled to open in their new location in the next few months.

Reign has three levels and a live DJ.

“It was a nice change from before, from the old Big Shots,” said Mike Pittman, senior in agricultural systems technology. “It had a nice dance floor and new bar.

“It’s more of a dance club than Sips,” he said. “I would go back, but it was kind of loud. It’s just a sweet drink deal away from being a really good bar.”

Chad Tappendorf, junior in finance, has worked at Club 8, 216 Stanton Ave., since August 2004, and said he is not worried about the competition from the new Big Shots and Chasers, which will be located across the street from Club 8, because it should make the bar popular by making it more visible.

He said he is excited about the other bars joining Campustown.

Chad Becker, who has been doorman and bartender at People’s Bar & Grill and Lumpy’s, both at 2428 Lincoln Way, since June 2004, said there are already a lot of bars in Campustown, and thinks the new bars will spread people out more.

“It’s hard to tell how competitive they will be,” Becker said. “We don’t know what drink specials they will offer yet. People’s has a following of people. We see a lot of the same faces, especially on Thursdays and Fridays in Lumpy’s.”

Allison Knutson, another employee of People’s, said she thinks the new bars will be big during the first nights, but will not be competition for other bars.

“Reign’s a dance club, and that draws a different crowd,” Knutson said. “People’s is very laid back and we have live music, fun events.”