LETTER: Liberals don’t affect U.S. troop morale

I’ve noticed not many people respond to editorial cartoons, but I would like to. I find Eric Gapstur’s editorial cartoon (Jan. 26) — featuring a donkey (representing the Democrats) sitting on a U.S. soldier with the words “U.S. Morale” on his arm — to be another attempt by conservatives to shift the focus off of the real problem and place the blame on liberals. I hardly think that the Democrats are responsible for low U.S. morale. More likely it is the horrific facts coming out of Iraq. Just Wednesday, 31 Marines were killed in a helicopter crash. That number is added to the more than 1,500 troops already killed in Iraq, plus the more than 10,000 injured.

The Democrats are not responsible for low morale. The low morale stems from the never-ending loss of life Americans are suffering everyday. Mr. Gapstur’s cartoon is nothing but another attempt to shift the blame to the other side and ignore the facts.

What kind of strategy is it to completely ignore the situation, smile and nod and hope it goes away? Democrats are fighting to end this war, bring our troops home and end the loss of life. Republicans call this being “anti-American.”

However, while I generally cringe at Gapstur’s editorial cartoons (because of our difference in opinions, not his drawing ability) I will say I enjoy the “Mickey and Joe” cartoon that he draws for the Daily this semester.

Joe Campos

