LETTER: Hands off Christmas!

I happen to be a big fan of Christmas, cookies, eggnog, sitting on Santa’s lap, lights, songs — the whole nine yards. I really did not enjoy reading Mr. Weiner’s comments criticizing Eric Gapstur and everyone else who isn’t like him. Just because he is Jewish doesn’t make him better than anyone else. How should people know to say “Happy Holidays” to a person unless they’re sporting a yarmulke?

He says he doesn’t take offense to “Merry Christmas,” but yet he calls us ignorant? I take offense to that. He would have not written his article if he was not offended. Mr. Weiner, I am not offended by your Jewish ways. I crank it up when “The Hanukkah Song” comes on the radio. But since you are a minority mixed in with a Christmas-loving majority, you should get used to the annual tradition.

Because of people like him and freedom of religion, some of the things we love and have might go away. Right here at Iowa State, the Christmas tree lighting could not have a ceremony. Instead, there was Memorial Union evergreen bush lighting, which is hardly inspiring.

Our nation’s holiday season was founded on Christmas, but for people who don’t believe, it is simply a free day off from work. We worship as we please because our country is a melting pot. God and the Pledge of Allegiance have already been taken out of schools and the Ten Commandments have been taken out of courthouses. How long will it be until Christmas is canceled?

Just like Adam Sandler said in his song, “Instead of one day of presents, we get eight crazy nights.” Shouldn’t the majority be jealous about just one night?

So, for all of you, happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa. For anyone else’s holiday celebration I left out — get over it and act like the rest of us. Merry Christmas and welcome to America.

Case Circle


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