LETTER: Neither candidate deserves Ukraine

There were a number of things in Mykola Sarazhynskyy’s letter (“Ukraine deserves a new president,” Dec. 2) that, I believe, require clarification.

Sarazhynskyy ascribes my opinion that both presidential candidates in Ukraine had better step down if it is truly democracy to the fact that I am misinformed by the very biased Russian media. However, the facts that I referred to in my letter were taken from the British newspaper The Guardian, which traditionally represents the views of the liberal part of the British society.

Like Sarazhynskyy, I am not inclined to rely on somewhat less than disinterested opinions of many Russian newspapers. There was also a brilliant article on Dec. 2 in The Asia Times online by Dr. Gajendra Singh, former ambassador and editorial adviser with global geopolitics Web site Eurasia Research Center.

The passion with which Sarazhynskyy describes his own views is admirable. However, there were some phrases that could not but surprise an observer. As Sarazhynsky writes, “the government officials, from top to bottom, participated in massive fraud … Yuschenko was poisoned by his opponents several weeks before the first round.” I was somewhat shocked to read these statements. If these allegations have been proved by the court, then the situation in Ukraine is even more strained than it appears to be. If they have not been proved, on the other hand, then it is somewhat unwise to try to pass opinions for facts.

I have no doubts that a great number of people voted for Yuschenko both at home and internationally. Much the same as I have no doubts that another great number voted for Yanukovich, as numerous rallies in his support seem to prove. But I would like to make my point clear. As Sarazhynskyy writes, Ukraine deserves a new president. Great changes need to take place to improve people’s lives and put Ukraine in the place it rightfully deserves. I do hope that, should new elections be decided upon, nothing will prevent free expressions of the free will of the free people.

The actions of both candidates make it manifestly clear that Ukraine deserves a new president — a totally new one, and not one of the two contestants.

Alexey Konobeev


Visiting Scholar