IRHA works to finance Dance Marathon

Ina Kadic

Members of the Inter-Residence Hall Association will propose a parliament bill Thursday that asks for IRHA to make a $1,000 donation to the Dance Marathon organization.

Cory Hanson, junior in marketing and sponsorship co-director for Dance Marathon, recently spoke to IRHA, and his presentation pushed the student organization to directly support the program.

“We have always been in support of it, although now is our chance to actually do something about it,” said Drew Larson, president of IRHA and author of the bill.

The money is budgeted toward a speaker system that would be used during the night of Dance Marathon, costing around $700, and the remaining $300 would be spent on advertising in residence halls and around campus to get students involved in the program.

The bill, titled “Looking Within — Reaching Without,” explains that it is “IRHA’s goal to promote educational and personal development of students within the residence system, and Dance Marathon provides an opportunity for residence halls to engage their community and work towards a common good.”

“The president needed someone to author the bill, and since I was in favor of it, I agreed to do it,” said Ryan King, Richardson Court Association president.

The bill also states that IRHA supports activities within residence halls that are aimed at getting residents involved with Dance Marathon and asks for $1,000 to be allocated from the IRHA Discretionary Account to Dance Marathon.

IRHA will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union.