Lights brighten ISU community, Memorial Union at Winterfest

Jeanne Chapin

Students gathered in the cold Wednesday night to see thousands of lights brighten the area around the Fountain of the Four Seasons.

The lighting ceremony in front of the Memorial Union was one of many events for the first Winterfest, a celebration organized by Leaders INspiring Connections that was designed to bring a festive holiday atmosphere to Iowa State. The day’s events included a battle of the bands at the Maintenance Shop, Frostys on Display in the Union and Philanthropy on Display.

After a Campanile concert at 5 p.m., the choral group Shy of a Dozen sang holiday songs. Former basketball coach Jim Hallihan spoke about hope and challenged students to be caring friends and neighbors. At the end of his speech, thousands of Christmas lights were turned on, illuminating the bushes around the Union fountain.

“This was my first lighting ceremony,” said Sarah Sinclair, senior in journalism and mass communication. “I decided I wanted to start celebrating the holiday season earlier, and I wanted to do something special. I love the lights, and I think it’s great. Shy of a Dozen was amazing. The only thing that could have made it better was sleigh rides.”

The lighting ceremony replaced the Christmas tree lighting ceremony of previous years to be sensitive to all religious holidays.

“There’s no Christmas tree lighting ceremony this year because it was just representing one holiday,” said Leigh Thiedeman, LINC public relations co-chairwoman. “We have many, many students here at Iowa State University, and we can’t just highlight one holiday without highlighting the others.”

The tree outside of Beardshear Hall will be lit this year, but there will not be a ceremony, said Drew Showalter, entertainment co-chairman for LINC.

“I’ve gone all the years I’ve been here, and it’s definitely changed,” said Liz Ogren, senior in elementary education.>

Roughly 19,550 lights — about $400 worth — lit up the bushes around the Union fountain; luminaries, provided by Freshman Council, lined the path around the fountain. LINC was originally going to put up 27,000 lights — one for every student at Iowa State — but only 19,550 lights were actually used, Showalter said.

There wasn’t enough room for them all, he said.