COLUMN: The continuation of a change

Kim Bui Columnist

So, remember at the beginning of the year when I said we were changing things? Well, we’ve done some of that, and no pies have been thrown at us, so we’re taking it a step farther.

The Arts and Entertainment section will soon be more than bands, movies and plays. Arts and Entertainment is officially becoming a features section — with profiles, features and anything having to deal with life and living in Ames.

We look forward to bringing you a section that has gone where we have not been able to go before. We want to show you the stories that fill this campus — the people and programs that we miss everyday in our efforts to cover what is happening on campus.

We want to bring you not only a renamed section with a different edge, but also a whole different beast, with design concepts and a different level of thinking.

But there’s one problem.

The new section needs a name — Pulse, The Edge, the Verve — none of these seem to work right for the Daily. We’re inviting our readers to submit their ideas of what the name of our new section should be. The winner of the contest will get the bragging rights to tell their friends they were the one who made A&E into The Flux, and $100. But you’ll only get the money if our committee decides your name is perfect.

You’d think it would be easy to name something; parents do it all the time, and it was easy to name my pet hamster Harvey, after the announcer in “Double Dare,” or my pet ferret Miko, after the raccoon in “Pocahontas.” But this is a whole ‘nother sort of baby — it’s the work of a semester, the dream of editors before and after me. Now I understand why soon-to-be-parents buy those stupid baby books. Unfortunately, there isn’t one for a features sections.

So help us. Go to and leave online feedback to this column to put in your idea for the new section. It won’t be hard, and you might get $100 out of it — enough to feed you while you’re cramming during dead week.

We’re also looking for input as to what our readers want from the new section — do you want more on your fellow students, what to cook for dinner, your favorite professor, fashion? Tell us and we’ll put it in the new section. I can always tell you Kate’s and my idea of what we should cover, but in the end, this is your paper and this will be your section. We exist for the readers, and our ideas of what a features section should be may not be what you want from this section. Maybe you like us as an A&E section, maybe you need more stories about regular people on campus — I’d like to know.

Remember, go online to enter. You can also send your thoughts to [email protected].

I’m waiting.