LETTER: Lectures Committee needs budget lesson
November 3, 2004
In your Nov. 1 article about Ann Coulter’s talk, the number of students who attended the lecture was estimated at 1,000 students. Though this may seem like a decent turnout, if you take into account the $15,000 speaking fee, this lecture cost $15 a head, paid for by student fees.
In contrast, Michael Moore’s speaking fee was a mere $4,000, and the cost per attendee was significantly lower, partly due to lower fees but more because of a higher level of interest. In regards to Ann Coulter, it is a total abuse of student fees to ask us to pay so much for so little, just so things can appear politically balanced. If conservative groups want to have a stronger presence on campus and a forum for their views to be heard, they should urge their speakers to lower their fees instead of charging students scalper prices for events with mediocre attendance.
We urge GSB and the Committee on Lectures to keep these issues in mind when deciding how to spend student services monies in. We also encourage students to get out and attend the lectures offered by these groups. You might as well, since you’re paying for it, whether you want to or not.
Christine Peters
Food Science
Sarah Duda
Animal Ecology