LETTER: Crosbie bites the hand that feeds him

I am writing in response to Mr. Crosbie’s column regarding the Foundation and its practices. After reading the column I was less than amused. Was Crosbie’s article supposed to come across as humorous? If that was his intent, he failed miserably.

Before Crosbie went on his little rant, he should have looked more deeply into what the student callers do. The student callers call alumni and friends of Iowa State and ask them to get involved in giving back to their alma mater. The money they are raising is lowering our tuition. That means Crosbie’s tuition as well.

The Foundation is more than happy to accept donations of any kind, but there has to be a cut-off somewhere so our non-profit organization can give money back to the university. As I read the article, I was reminded of one of my professor’s theories. He had set the grading scale and said it was not going to be altered even if you were 0.1 percent away from another grade.

The reason behind this is if they changed it for one person that was only 0.1 percent away from a better grade, they would have to for another that was 0.12 percent away from a better grade. Where would they draw the line? The ISU Foundation has to draw the line somewhere too, and it happens to be at $25.

The Foundation is more than happy to accept donations under that, but it is better if the alumni do them on a credit card so the Foundation doesn’t have to send out all the paper work, or if they send them to the Foundation themselves.

Before Crosbie goes on another one of his “humorous rants,” he should check exactly what happened and not trust a story that has been handed down from person to person. Mr. Crosbie, I think you owe the Foundation and the callers who work for the Foundation an apology.

You insulted them, and you have insulted the very organization that makes it possible for you to attend college a little cheaper. If you apologize to the Foundation and its workers, I think we can all “drive away with a feeling of satisfaction.”

Ashlee Kvidera


ISU Foundation Phone Center