LETTER: Keep Arafat out of Jerusalem

Arafat left to rest in Jerusalem? I think not! Arafat’s sole purpose in representation as the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization was to destroy the Israeli state. Arafat formed the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1969 not to create peace, but to destroy Israel.

Arafat also helped organize many Arab guerrilla groups including Al Fatah (part of the PLO), a group that claims responsibility for Israeli bombings.

Arafat advocated strapping bombs to the backs of 15- and 16-year-old children for them to walk onto busses in Israeli cities on suicide missions. These actions killed 23 innocent people, including two Americans. Again, why should Arafat be buried in Jerusalem?

Arafat is not comparable to the kings Israelis bury in Jerusalem. Do people really think marching into Jerusalem is going to bring peace? Israelis are shot if they cross the Gaza Strip! Will it be any different if the Palestinians cross the Gaza Strip?

Saddam Hussein was born in the Tikrit District of Iraq. He was the leader of Iraq and led the country through a decade-long war with Iran and many other countries. He used gas to kill tens of thousands of Iraqi Kurds and Shiites.

How would Iraqis react if Saddam Hussein should happen to be allowed a burial in Iraq on the sole notion that he was born there?

The mere fact that Arafat was born in Jerusalem does not advocate that he should be buried in Jerusalem. Arafat killed many Jews in religious persecution. Arafat is not comparable to Israel’s kings.

Ashley Halbur

