ISU Dairy Science Club holds online auction

Kerstin Johnson

The ISU Dairy Science Club is again holding an online auction to raise money for the Alison Ciancio Memorial Scholarship.

Howard Tyler, adviser of the club, said the annual auction was the club’s idea to help the foundation her parents set up.

Tyler said the club chose an online auction to raise money because it wanted something that could primarily be ran by one person.

“Alison’s friends wanted to find a way the scholarship would perpetuate every year without a huge amount of effort,” Tyler said.

The recipient of the award is in charge of the auction the following year, Tyler said.

“In a few years, Alison’s friends will be gone, and we don’t want a huge time commitment, but we do want a good return,” Tyler said.

Each year the recipient receives a $2,000 scholarship.

Ciancio was killed in a head-on collision on Jan. 6, 2002 when she was at home in Pennsylvania during winter break.

The proceeds from fund raising go to the foundation her parents set up and are then distributed to scholarship recipients.

Tyler said the scholarship has been awarded for the past three years.

It was established a month after Ciancio’s death and announced by the time of the club’s banquet in March 2002.

Erin Vagts, president of the Dairy Science Club, said the scholarship is awarded to a member of the club, but the winner does not need to be a dairy science major.

According to the Alison Ciancio Memorial Web site, a strong preference is given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to helping others through community outreach activities.

“The scholarship is given to a student who most exemplifies the kind of person Alison was,” said Jen Taylor, recipient of the first scholarship.

Taylor said they also look at the personality and people skills of the applicants.

She said people donate items for the auction from all over the state and can donate anything from milk jugs to jewelry for the auction. Many of the club members’ families also donate.

The auction will end at noon Friday. The items will be shipped to the highest bidder.