ISU Band Extravaganza features campus groups

Nicole Bordelon

They are the stars of the football field during halftime, and now it’s time for the Cyclone Football “Varsity” Marching Band to get ready for its only indoor performance of the year. It will be joining forces with the ISU Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Jazz Ensemble.

The annual Band Extravaganza will showcase more than 500 of Iowa State’s musicians. Matt Smith, director of the marching and symphonic bands, says the concert will appeal to many tastes.

“There is something for everyone — the classical concert attendee, the jazz admirer and the athletic band fan,” Smith says.

With the exception of the music selections, the Band Extravaganza format changes little from year to year. Perhaps the biggest change this year is that the concert will take place on Saturday evening rather than Sunday afternoon, as in years past.

Smith says one of the many advantages of Iowa State is the undergraduate music program.

“At many colleges and universities, these students would not have access to top faculty and the best ensembles at the school,” he says.

Since there isn’t a graduate music program offered, Smith says the faculty is able to devote full attention to the undergraduate students and their education.

“[Because] we are a smaller department, we have a large involvement of non-music majors, which creates for a unique dynamic in the rehearsals,” he says.

Smith says music has always been a vital part of the activities at Iowa State. He says the Band Extravaganza is a great opportunity for people to see the quality and involvement of the bands representing Iowa State.

The event will take place at Stephens Auditorium, which was recently named “Building of the Century” by the Iowa Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Smith says the auditorium is well-suited for the concert.

“Feeling the rumble and the roar of the marching band within four walls is an experience not to be missed,” Smith says.

Who: Band Extravaganza

Where: Stephens Auditorium

When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday

Cost: $5 student, $10 public