Italian flick, feast at final SUB film

Diane Petitti

Venire mangiare.

Although those words may seem insignificant to those who don’t speak Italian, the phrase, meaning “come eat,” is an integral part of the next film to be shown by SUB Films on Friday night, as the organization invites the ISU community to come eat with them.

For its last film of the semester, an Italian buffet will be accompanying the viewing of “Big Night.”

Neha Kothari, senior in mathematics and director of SUB Films, says the dinner complements the plot of the film.

“It is about two Italian brothers who come to America who open a restaurant,” Kothari says.

Because of competition from another restaurant down the street, the brothers are having problems staying open. To give them an edge, the duo decides to have a celebrity visit their establishment, and the film revolves around them preparing for the “big night.”

Normally, SUB Film nights include the viewing of a film with only popcorn available with admission. Letitia Kenemer, adviser for SUB Films, says films are generally chosen because they contain criteria that lie outside the mainstream arena.

Kenemer and Kothari could not recall a time when an event, like the Italian buffet, took place.

“In the past three years we haven’t done anything like that,” Kenemer says.

Kothari says adding a dinner made the event more of a mix of entertainment than a simple movie showing.

“I think it’s a slightly different type of event,” she says. “We wanted to try something that was not just showing the movie.”

Earlier in the semester, the organization decided to add a bit of extra spice to its schedule by including events related to the movies shown. One of these included offering salsa dance lessons before the viewing of “Shall We Dance?”

Kothari says participants have enjoyed these additions and have increased the popularity of SUB Films.

“The ones with events have gone over really well,” Kothari says.

“They’ve been some of our best nights in terms of attendance.”

The dinner includes vegetarian and pork cavatini, Caesar salad, vegetables, iced tea and cookies.

SUB Films has scheduled two nights for the movie to be shown. Dinner is served Friday evening, starting at 7:30 p.m. with the showing of the film afterward.

The film, without the dinner attraction, will also be available for viewing on Thursday night at 8 p.m.

“Big Night” is the last film showing of the semester before the organization starts up again in late January.

Kenemer says there couldn’t be a better way to end the season.

“This is the last one,” she says. “It’s kind of the big finale.”

What: Italian Dinner and “Big Night”

Where: Pioneer Room, Memorial Union

When: 8 p.m. Thursday, film only; 7:30 p.m. Friday, film and dinner

Cost: $1 Thursday; $6 students, $8 public Friday