LETTER: Democrats must shed radical image

After conceding defeats to George W. Bush and several other Republicans in Congress this past Tuesday, it is clear the Democratic Party sorely needs to redefine its goals and clarify its core beliefs if it ever hopes to regain influence in our government. As a liberal independent who voted for Kerry — on the idea he would repair our international reputation — it is now clear why he did not win. The majority of Americans believed the Republican perception of Kerry over the image attempted by the Democrats.

I truly believe that both candidates share similar core morals and values. The difference in the end was the Republicans successfully conveyed the perception that Kerry lacked moral principles and Bush cherished them. It is terribly unfortunate that the majority of people voted with their hearts and not with their brains.

To regain credibility, the Democrats must find a way to distance their image from radical personalities like Michael Moore. If they manage to achieve this, they will earn the trust of moderates, while helping strengthen their base. I feel that if the Democratic platform moves more toward the center of the political spectrum, it will be enough to achieve victory in the next presidential election.

During the next four years, it is my hope that moderates who voted for Bush will see him for who he really is and then think before they vote in the next election, rather than casting their vote based on emotions and fear.

Jared Taylor

