LETTER: Bush will mandate extremist views

I hope I can clarify the point of my letter yesterday. First of all, I did not write the title that was printed above it, and it certainly did not reflect the point I was trying to make.

I’m not comparing America or its voters to terrorists. The religious right made the difference in this election because Bush supports their extremist views on domestic policy — gay rights, abortion, stem-cell research, etc.

He now holds a mandate from them to put these views into action, and with strong majorities in both houses and the likely appointments of multiple Supreme Court Justices, I fear this country is headed down a very slippery slope where religion dictates policy and civil liberties are further threatened.

This is the extremism that I was referring to. I am worried that this will only solidify the view held by our enemies that we are engaged in a holy war. I believe the re-election of the president has put our national security at great risk.

Nate Fitzgerald


Mechanical Engineering