Veishea task force recommendations
November 18, 2004
- The task force recommends ISU President Gregory Geoffroy hold a town hall meeting with students and the community before deciding the future of Veishea.
General recommendations to reduce probability of disturbances:
- Encourage students to learn the rules and regulations of the community and consequences for breaking them.
- Institute policies that will encourage people to leave riot areas.
- Find improved ways to prevent nuisance parties.
- Identify the best ways to respond to disturbances.
- Address alcohol-related regulations dealing with kegs, bootlegging, underage drinking and nuisance parties. Also clarify the university’s penalties for alcohol violations.
- Implement a communications campaign including information about hosting successful parties and the negative consequences of illegal activities.
- Develop venues and social outlets for students of age and underage.
If the decision is made to change Veishea:
- Consider changing official Veishea events to offer late-night events and relocating post-dusk Veishea events.
- Shape events to feature the university’s education mission.
If the decision is made to discontinue Veishea:
- Offer chances for student groups to showcase themselves during the year.
- Promote and support opportunities for students to hold additional events.
Recommendations to seriously consider:
- Examine how alcohol restrictions and policy enforcements contribute to rioting.
- Hold Veishea earlier in the year
- Change the name of Veishea
* In the report, some recommendations include suggestions for advancing the goals.
— Jessica Anderson