LETTER: Knowing the facts means voting Kerry

In the Oct. 29 edition of the Daily, Nicole Asmussen said that Kerry was trying to create a draft scare.

To address this point, obviously no one wants the draft to be reinstated, but the reason it is even being discussed is the fact that Bush has so severely overextended our troops.

And as far as scare tactics go, it would be wise to remember why we’re in Iraq in the first place. As his shiny new terror alert system flashed red and orange on every news channel, Bush looked us in the eye and told us that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and posed an immediate threat to our country’s safety.

We didn’t have time to wait for the U.N. inspectors to finish their job; we had to go now or who knows what might happen? How can Ms. Asmussen claim, “Bush … has employed persuasion, not manipulation?” Persuasion implies the use of facts, not lies and distractions.

It is because of facts that I will vote for John Kerry on Tuesday.

Lindsey Fifield

