Information Technology departments hold forum to gather student opinions

Kerstin Johnson

Several ISU Information Technology departments are curious to find out what students think about Iowa State’s technology.

A forum will be held Monday to find out what is working in terms of Iowa State’s technology, and what should be improved about the computers and Internet services on campus. The forum is open to all students.

Jim Davis, chief information officer, said the IT departments decided to set up a forum to listen to the needs on campus and make sure they are being provided for.

“We’re hoping to see if there are areas we need to improve on, reaffirm our services and look for ways to improve,” said Maury Hope, director of administrative information systems.

Since September, seven other focus groups consisting of ISU faculty members have participated in forums to gather opinions about Iowa State’s technology.

Hope said the forums have gone well and have had good participation.

“I think an interesting thing about all the groups so far is they have really engaged, and that process needs to continue,” Davis said.

Davis said through the different focus groups the IT departments will try to engage different groups about how they use information technology and what they think.

Barb Licklider, associate professor of education student services, will facilitate the forum. Students will get into small groups and do group work to generate their thoughts about information technology. They will write their ideas down and discuss them with the entire group to come up with a summary.

“Hopefully, the students will be able to say what is on their mind,” Davis said.

The main subjects the groups will focus on are what is working well for them, what frustrations they have and what they would like to see in technology at Iowa State, Davis said. The students are also asked to dream big. Davis said he would like to know what students see in store for Iowa State.

Davis said he hopes this will help the IT departments understand what people are using, where technology can go and where they need to be looking in reference to technology.

After the last forum, which will be held on Nov. 15, there will be a follow-up for all of the focus groups. Each focus group will have a representative to present items that were discussed in their group.

By December, a report stating what is working well and what needs to be improved will be sent to several people, including Warren Madden, vice president for business and finance, Hope said.

“The focus groups were created because we thought we needed to talk to people to provide accurate information for the report,” Hope said.

The meeting will be at 3 p.m. Monday in the Gallery of the Memorial Union.