GSB approves PIRG organizer

Alicia Ebaugh

A correction was added to this article Nov. 18.

Because of an editing error, the Nov. 18 article “GSB approves PIRG organizer” had an inaccurate headline. The Government of the Student Body did not approve any funding for Iowa Student Public Interest Research Group at its Wednesday meeting. The Daily regrets this error.

The Iowa Student Public Interest Research Group finally reached one goal it had been struggling toward for nearly a year, but it fell short of another.

With a vote of 27-5-2, the Government of the Student Body passed a bill Wednesday night making ISPIRG a student-funded office of GSB, which will put them under different regulations than other groups and give them priority in the allocation process.

However, funding for the group was denied by a vote of 22-11-1. Although a majority of the senate voted for the funding, which had been amended to include a salary for a campus organizer, they fell three votes short of reaching a two-thirds majority.

A ring of ISPIRG supporters sat along the walls, watching as Chelsea Lepley, president of ISPIRG, and members of the GSB senate debated the bills.

Lepley said becoming a student-funded office was helpful to ISPIRG’s continued service to Iowa State.

Many senators liked the bill and said ISPIRG needs to have a close partnership with GSB to accomplish many things, especially getting funding for a campus organizer.

“You can’t expect them to do good work if you don’t give them the mechanism to do that,” said Speaker of the Senate Henry Alliger.

Some other senators had reservations about the appointment.

“A lot of my constituents feel ISPIRG may not be ready to be a student-funded office,” said College of Business Senator David Stout. “They fear that other groups won’t get funding if this happens.”

Jason Carroll, vice chairman of the finance committee, said the current GSB bylaws don’t actually allow for a campus organizer, so making a student-funded office may not make a difference.

Time for debate expired while senators were still talking about the bill, forcing the senate to vote on the bill at that time. College of Engineering Senator Leia Guccione’s motion to extend debate by 15 minutes failed. As of press time, GSB was still discussing funding and incorporating ISPIRG’s articles of cooperation.

— Emily Klein contributed to this article